Fall Harvest
To obey the command of Jesus in Matthew 28: 18-20 and Mark 16: 15-18. To see our city, state, nation, and world changed by the power of the Gospel through prayer, evangelism, and worship.
Over the last 90 days, we have taken ground in downtown Columbus for the Kingdom of God through our worship and prayer. It is now time to bring in the harvest and expand the size of our fields. In John 4:35, Jesus tell us, "Don't you have a saying, 'It's still four months until harvest?' I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." Isaiah 54:2-3 tells us to expand our territory.
Through the power and equipping of the Holy Spirit, we want to move to our next phase. We are asking for all of you to keep Fall Harvest covered in prayer, as well as joining us as the Holy Spirit leads you to do so. II Thessalonians 3:1 says, "Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you."

11am-noon, meet together at the Seal of Ohio in front of the Statehouse to intercede for our city, state, nation, and world. We will also be praying for the evangelistic efforts to follow.
Noon-1pm, we will be preaching the Gospel and witnessing in front of the Statehouse. We have 4 slots for each hour, and we encourage people to sign up so that we know how many to expect. If the slots are full, please come anyway and join us!
11am-1pm Worship at the Statehouse
We need worship leaders 2-1 hour slots
2-4pm-Church with worship, prayer, short message, and ministry. We need a worship leader for this service.
Thank you for your prayers and your service as we work together through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring in the harvest!
When: October 5-November 15
Monday-Saturday 11am-1pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Where: Ohio Statehouse
Parking: Under the Statehouse and at Columbus Commons
We have 2 -1 hour worship slots each Saturday and Sunday to fill.
4 slots 11am-noon for prayer
4 slots noon-1pm for evangelism
If you would like to donate to help make this possible. Click donate below if you would like to give to this cause.
Click the sign up link below to go to our sign up genius

Come Prayed Up Knowing God Is Going To Use You For His Glory
Timing Is Crucial: Please Be In Position 15 Minutes to Start Time This Is Not Church As Usual, All Participants, Worshippers And Musicians Must Have Their Spiritual Armor On And Understand This Is Worship Warfare.
Begin each session In Prayer
Do Not Use This Platform To Promote Any Agenda Except The Lord. This Is Not About Democrats Or Republicans, Black Or White, Jew Or Gentile It’s About Worshipping The Lord Releasing His Presence In The Atmosphere.
Chose Songs/Hymns That Will Exalt The Name Of God, Promote Unity, Healing And Edifies The Body And Shift The Atmosphere.
Release Peace And Healing To Our Land.
Please Bring Your Own Instruments, Keyboards, Drums, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Congas, Violins, Harmonics, Special Mics Etc.